Thursday, March 1, 2012

QLD: Native title granted over two Torres Strait islands = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD: Native title granted over two Torres Strait islands = 2

ATSIC chairman Gatjil Djerrkura welcomed the Federal Court's recognition of the two native
title claims, saying the announcement was historically significant and illustrated the
benefits of negotiated outcomes.

"The agreements resulting from this process give clarity and certainty to the rights and
interests of all parties - Torres Strait Islanders, government agencies, the fishing industry
and people from Papua New Guinea," he said.

The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) also welcomed the decision.

"Saibai Islanders and the Mualgal people have gained recognition of land rights, not
through recognition of what white man has given them, but through recognition of rights
derived from their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers," TSRA chairman John Abednego
(Abednego) said.

"This is a very, very symbolic statement."

Mr Abednego said Saibai and Moa were the first successful native title claimants in the
Torres Strait since the Mabo case in 1993.

Saibai Island Chairman Terry Waia (Waia) said many of the seven clan elders who initiated
the claim had passed away during the nine-year legal process.

"This is the fulfillment of the dreams of our elders and surely our ancestors will be
turning in their graves with joy," he said.

Mr Waia said negotiations over sea claims were continuing.

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