Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Abortion clinic doctor infected 12 patients with Hep C=2

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Abortion clinic doctor infected 12 patients with Hep C=2

Dr Carnie said the doctor had worked at several other private clinics during the 12
months in question but patients he treated at those other practices will not be contacted.

"But we have no reason to suspect that there has been any clustering of cases at either
of those places," he said.

Dr Carnie first became aware of the cluster of the disease at the clinic in December
and after testing the doctor who returned from overseas in early January, he notified
the department of the link.

The board took two weeks to suspend the doctor in mid-February.

"This doctor gave Dr Carnie an undertaking that he would cease practising prior to
the matter being brought to the board's attention," president Robert Adler said.

The doctor's suspension means he cannot practise anywhere in Australia.

By law, doctors with hepatitis C are free to practise in Victoria provided they follow
infection-control guidelines.

Guidelines stipulate they cannot be involved in surgery performed in internal cavities
of the body or procedures that might increase the risk of needlestick injury.

"Normal anesthesia that follows infection control guidelines carries an extremely low
or non existent risk of transmission of hepatitis C," Dr Adler said.

He said the doctor in question had no conditions attached to his registration when
he was suspended.

AAP mj/pmu/it


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